Saturday, 16 July 2011

The journey home

So Kelly and Ian took the Volvo and drank far too many coffees and sang all the way to Topsham. Lucy and Andy dropped Steve off at the airport and drove home with the bikes.
Kate Chris and David had a very gentle and pleasant trip down the loch.
For lunch we dropped anchor at Eilean Balnagowan and were amazed when we realised there were fifteen seals on the rocks watching us (yes Kelly I counted them!).

For the evening we tied up at Dunstaffnage Marina and had a pleasant day fixing all the broken bits. Kate went up the mast again and attached the new masthead light, and we borrowed a rivet gun to make good the excellent temporary kicking strap repair Kelly had improvised in the night. Then we celebrated with a meal in the Wide Mouthed Frog and on Sunday took the bus to Glasgow and flew home. Most satisfactory!

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