Tuesday, 28 June 2011

After crazy winds out of Barmouth, the wind dropped down to not much on the way to Whitehaven. They lost a halyard up the mast and Kate was pulled to the top to fetch it. It had to be done and fearless Kate didn't think twice about braving the heights! (pictures to follow). Kelly says Kate is going into Hyper-mode and they will Make her go below for a sleep soon. (posted by Lucy)
Pictures are:
Beeline at Britannia Bridge
Kate up mast in Irish Sea
Skipper concentrating at the Swellies Rock!

Once we got to Whitehaven we were delighted to sneak in with the keel raised and drop Steve and Andy at midday for an evening run. Tesco Wetherspoons and the laundry competed with he pleasure of a good sleep.

In the Sea Lock

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