Monday, 6 June 2011


After a busy weekend Beeline now has fully functioning rowing equipment which is to be tested tomorrow, thanks to the Exeter Rowing Club who lent us the oars and outriggers. We had to scale down the riggers as they would have dragged in the water but the gates fit nicely between the tiller and the winches.
The lifejackets all now sport whistles lights and crutch straps and are up to charter coding standard, as is the safety gear (liferaft sling throwing line and horseshoe buoy)
The depth sounder was proving hard to fix so in a burst of Ellen McArthur DIY I have fitted a whole new Fishfinder system with colour pictures of the river bed and little fish with numbers on. Thanks Dave R for your help with the wiring.
Next task is to sort out the ration packs and fill the water tanks. If all goes well we will be ready to move West next weekend. The weather is looking good even if the wind is a bit light.

1 comment:

  1. The sea trials went well this morning, Skip, I'm a bit worried about stowing the oars (actually I'm more worried about my shins) but will think on't. The rowlocks are practically perfect though, some great MacArthurage there!
