Beeline on her way out of harbour, and... they're off!
(posted by Lucy)
Kate says: This was quite alarming and we did wonder if we would get out of Barmouth in one piece as there were boats crashing towards us out of control in the breakers as we left harbour. We started with two reefs in the mainsail and a little jib but shortly after we put in a third reef for the first time ever. Chris Scanes made me some lovely sails for this race and the little working jib has become a firm favourite.
We had an excruciating thrash to windward which was nausea inducing and exhausting and most of us were sick. Kelly was a star as she stayed strong and looked after all of us with drinks and reminders to get below in the warm and take our Stugeron. It was a huge relief to turn the corner at Bardsey Head. Only for a minute though as we quickly fell into the race and had a washing machine experience that frightened even Bill Ricketts. But calm returned and the wind died down and we were able to recover as we approached Caernarfon Bar. Unnerved by the Life boat rescuing a fellow competitor we tiptoed in and dropped Steve and Andy at dawn. Leg one complete!
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